Wednesday, July 15, 2009

This too shall pass...

Teething, tantrums, sleepless nights, crying all the time in the car, fighting about brushing teeth, picking out clothes,etc. I'm laying it all out there because I feel like my patience is about as thin as it can be. I'm trying to find the good in every day but am in one of those black holes of parenting ruts where it doesn't seem to be there. I've been told before and am telling myself constantly now, "This too shall pass." (and when it does, I'll look back and wonder where the time went.)

1 comment:

Kate Wicker said...

I've been there, my friend. I actually wrote "This too shall pass" on notecards recently because I was just so tired and wondering if I was ever going to sleep again. It's tough when you're in the thick of it, but somehow God gives you the graces to make it through. And as trite as it sounds, I have found that the days can seem awfully long, but the years are flying by.

God bless you, and hang in there!